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Adams Plus Flea and Tick Spot On for Dogs 5-14 lbs - 3 Pack

$21.99 $17.59 for our loyal Extra Value Card customers!
At Uncle Bill’s Pet Center, we not only offer Dog Flea and Tick Treatments for sale, we also employ a highly trained staff that can assist you in finding an appropriate product. Adams Plus Flea & Tick Prevention Spot On for Dogs is a long-lasting, quick-drying topical treatment designed to keep your pet protected from flea and tick infestations for up to 30 days. Our formula contains an insect growth regulator (IGR) that breaks the flea lifecycle. It kills adult fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, and Deer ticks that may carry Lyme disease. It also kills and repels mosquitoes! Application is easy; squeeze this spot-on treatment down your dogs back. Its a quick-drying formula that spreads with your dogs natural skin oils. We will be glad to work with you to ensure that you have the proper Flea and Tick Treatments for optimal health and happiness by providing the best selection and value on premium Dog Flea and Tick Treatments for sale in Indiana.

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